Sunday, April 25, was a red-letter day for the Conrad family—and for the NC Synod! A longtime, faithful synod layperson, Dr. Kay Conrad, reported, “Yesterday our family had three generations preaching on the same text at three different locations and three different approaches to the good news. I, a lay preacher, supplied at Grace, Liberty NC. My son, Pastor Jonathan Conrad, preached at St. Paul’s, Wilmington, NC his parish. And, Pastor Joshua Kestner, my grandson, preached at University Lutheran, Clemson, SC, where he is Lutheran campus pastor. No two sermons were alike.” Many will remember Dr. Conrad’s husband, the late Pastor Paul Conrad who served four congregations, all in the NC Synod over the course of his ministry. We give thanks for the Conrad family’s generational faithfulness!
Seventy 3rd- through 5th-graders came together for fun, fellowship, learning, and a chance to see what the church is all about.
This year our faithful quilters were proud to create eighty-two quilts!