Equipment Upgrade Expands Reach

These have been trying times as everyone knows but this boost helped us expand our reach and stay relevant.

April 18, 2022 |

Image Credit: Willie Johnson

When Frieden’s, Gibsonville, found that their obsolete AV equipment needed an upgrade, they turned to the NC Synod’s Michael Peeler/Virginia Casey funds for help. Member Willie Johnson admits, “These have been trying times as everyone knows but this boost helped us expand our reach and stay relevant.” The new equipment allows for live streaming and enhances each worship experience. Willie continues, “Aside benefit has been the ability to stream quality funeral services for folks who could not be present for the actual service.” The congregation of Friedens is grateful for the Peeler/Casey grant which supplemented other faithful gifts to make the necessary equipment purchase.

What ministry of your congregation might benefit from the synod’s Michael Peeler/Virginia Casey Funds? Applications for 2022 are due April 30!

Story Attribution:

Synod Staff

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