Remarkable Mark 16: Jesus Foretells the End Times

July 30, 2018 |

Reading 16—Jesus Foretells the End Times

Read Mark 13:1-37

The disciples have traveled with Jesus all the way to Jerusalem, where they express awe at the magnificent temple (13:1). Jesus, however, continues teaching them that the glory they keep looking for is not the glory they will find with him. The stones of the temple will be thrown down, he says (13:2), and many terrible things will happen to the disciples (13:9-13) and in their world (13:7-8, 14-18). Mark was writing to an audience that was reeling from the catastrophic destruction of Jerusalem and the temple around 70 A.D. Jesus the Messiah did not come to overthrow the Roman overlords and then rule himself in earthly glory.

Jesus nevertheless offers reassurance in the midst of worldly upheaval. At a time unknown even to him (13:32), the Son of Man – Jesus – will come in clouds with great power and glory (13:26), and he will gather up his people from around the world (13:27). Jesus has told his disciples everything they need to know so they won’t be led astray by false messiahs and false prophets (13:22-23). Even though all other things will someday pass away, the words of Jesus will not pass away (13:31). Jesus the Messiah embodies the persistent saving power of God.

Jesus further cautions and exhorts his disciples. Not only is the time of his return unknown, they need to remain vigilant while they wait, and they need to continue their work (13:32-37). Jesus the Messiah has entrusted responsibilities to them for the sake of the kingdom of God. God’s plan is unfolding through Jesus, and the disciples have a role within that plan. This was true for the disciples sitting with Jesus on the Mount of Olives, and it is true for Jesus’ disciples today.

How does the reassurance that Jesus offers to his disciples speak to you at this moment in your life?

At this moment in your life, how do you hear and obey the commands of Jesus to beware, learn, keep alert, and keep awake?

Lord God, only you know the time of the return of your Son. As we continue to wait, keep us alert and watchful and focused on the things that Jesus teaches us. Through his words, continue to give us comfort and support. We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Ann Kelly writes: Since Feb. 1, 2018, I’ve been serving as pastor at Trinity, Sanford. Prior to that, I served at St. John’s, Hudson, NC. I love reflecting on the Bible and the multiple layers of meaning that God communicates to us through Scripture.

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