Remarkable Mark 10: Well Fed

July 24, 2018 |

Reading 10—Well Fed

Read Mark 8:1-26I was supposed to be asleep like the other kids at the day care center. It was nap time and one of the leaders was placing suckers on each cot as a tasty wake-up treat for us. Only I had no sucker on my cot! She must have missed me. So, I did what any resourceful four-year-old boy might do, I stole one from my neighbor. I placed it next to me as if they had missed him instead. I was satisfied even though this sucker was of the least desirable lemon-flavored variety. But it was better than nothing.

I didn’t realize however that the leaders weren’t finished handing out all the suckers. The kid I stole from received a highly-coveted cherry-flavored sucker in place of the one I took! The lesson for me was vivid with every sour lick. I had become anxious while feeling left-out and without. I grasped for a solution even if it may have hurt someone else.

The message of the eighth chapter of Mark is not unlike this. The disciples were seemingly anxious while without food in the wilderness, even though Jesus had already fed not only the four thousand but also the famous five thousand before that. The one who had always provided was standing right there in their midst, yet they worried about not having enough of what they needed.

The Pharisees were also anxious, but their issue was authority not scarcity. They demanded a sign, even though Jesus had miraculously fed so many with so little. Jesus gives a cautious warning to his disciples, “Beware the yeast of the Pharisees.” Or perhaps put another way, don’t worry about what you think you don’t have and grasp for that which somebody else has or what somebody other than the Messiah offers!

When do you get anxious and feel like God has “missed you?”

What helps you to center yourself and trust that “God will provide?”

God our provider, help us to trust that we will not be without. Feed us with your Spirit and nourish our hearts and minds. Lead us to serve you by feeding others.  Amen.

The Rev. Jeff Lindsay is pastor of Redeemer, Gastonia. He currently lives in McAdenville (Christmas Town) with his wife and two high school boys. His passions include music, family and teaching.

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