Civic Engagement


We Lutherans are grateful when government functions as
God's gift .... this church affirms that government is indispensable for safeguarding and improving human life and creation.

—page 17, the ELCA's Social Message on Government and Civic Engagement in the United States: Discipleship in a Democracy (adopted unanimously by the ELCA Church Council on June 24, 2020).

Loving Your Neighbor in Anxious Times

In such a time as this, how do we in communities of faith—in our Lutheran congregations—engage one another amid the anxiety and division? Do we ignore it? Make it off-limits?

These are difficult conversations. We know that everyone we meet is a precious child of God, and this should shape how we engage. We know, but we forget. That’s sin—it’s human nature. We make assumptions; we jump to conclusions. We dismiss. We label. We divide ourselves up and let resentment grow. It goes on and on.

Join us in considering how to go about Loving your Neighbor in Anxious Times.

LSC Calls for Action

Feb 4, 2025 | Civic Engagement, News
Lutheran Services Carolinas Calls for Action on Refugee Support

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Region 9 Bishops: Hope in Action

Jan 29, 2025 | Civic Engagement, News

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Speak Publicly in Solidarity

February, 2025

As I write, a resolution is pending in the U.S. House of Representatives this week essentially condemning Bishop Budde of the Episcopal Church, USA—our closest colleague in shared ministry—for her sermon given at the unity…

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Resources: Loving Your Neighbor in Anxious Times


Addressing Politics as Church

A collection of workshops, lectures, and study guides to help leaders and congregations pursue faithful action in a complicated world. From the CTS Center for Lifelong Learning.


"Called to Be Political"

Like it or not, Christians are called to be political. This Women of the ELCA resource explores that call, looking at the Bible, the writings of Martin Luther, and personal reflections of Lutheran women.


"Campaign for Kindness"

This preaching series is made available from the Arkansas-Oklahoma Synod. 
Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.
Ephesians 4:32


"Civic Life and Faith"

The ELCA Task Force on Civic Life and Faith offers this six-session study curriculum which comes with teaching videos, prayers, hymn suggestions, Scriptures, discussion questions, suggested resources, and case studies taken from everyday life.


"Civil Discourse"

In this five-session curriculum by The Episcopal Church, participants will learn the tenets of civil discourse, how to have values-based conversation, and how to create sacred space for debate.


"Civility in Politics"

In this Living Lutheran article, Lutheran legislators—Washington state senators Ron Muzzall (Republican) and Annette Cleveland (Democrat)—speak out on the importance of being respectful.


"Ethics, Election, + Church"

Faith+Lead's Pivot Podcast episode, Ethics, Elections, + Church, with the Rev. Dr. Anthony Bateza, a Luther scholar, has some refreshing insights on faith and politics.


"The Purple Church"

Congregations are theologically and politically diverse places—a “purple church” reflecting the deep diversity. This United Methodist initiative offers insight for Lutherans! 


What Is the Role of the Church?

What is the role of the church in helping the nation heal after this divisive election? Seven Christian writers reflect on the election results and how to move forward faithfully.

Resources: Civic Life/Voting


"Being a Public Church"

The ELCA offers this guidance for churches and clergy
participating in the electoral process. All 501(c)(3) organizations—including congregations, schools and social ministry organizations—have an obligation to adhere to these guidelines.


"Civic Engagement & Loving-kindness"

Bishop Elizabeth Eaton reminds us that “civic engagement through political and nonpolitical processes is how we live into our baptism and share Christ’s love as we work to make a difference in our communities and strive for justice and peace across the globe.” 


"ELCA Civic

This guide is intended to encourage, empower, and equip voter education and other responsible civic participation shaped by faith values.


"What Clergy Can Say (and Not Say)...

...During the Election Season"

A blog post by Pastor Leah D. Schade from August 28, 2024.

Resources: Christian Nationalism


"Confronting Christian Nationalism"

The NC Council of Churches hosts this important discussion addressing the double-edged threat of Christian Nationalism to our state and our faith. Learn to recognize Christian nationalism, often disguised by a veneer of Christian teaching.


"Exposing Christian Nationalism"

Christian Nationalism is an ideology that masquerades as a theology. Join Bishop Rob Wright of the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta, for a 4-session podcast series featuring special guests including the Rev. Dr. Pamela Cooper-White.


"Leading amidst Christian Nationalism"

Seven strategies for responding to Christian Nationalism in measured and faithful ways. Help congregants put their love of country in perspective as people of faith while not expressing judgment or devaluing their feelings. 

None of the resources listed on this page are intended to be legal advice, and none endorse a particular candidate or political party. Rather, they are available here to guide you and your congregation in faithful conversation and action as you live out Jesus' call to discipleship in all areas of life.