Image credit: Todd Godwin, member of St. John’s, Salisbury, for the NC Synod
At the first session of this year’s synod assembly, after the Order for the Opening of the Assembly and a beautiful opening Bible study on the assembly theme, the Rev. Cassie McIntosh Overcash was elected to serve a four-year term as the new secretary of the synod. Pastor Cassie, who serves Grace, Thomasville, noted her long-time interest in serving. “When I was on synod council for the first time, I was fresh out of college and in seminary. I learned as much—if not more!—about the church and being a pastor as I did in seminary. I thought it would be a good opportunity to do a new thing and serve the synod I love.”
Long-time secretary, Doug Ramsey, member of Friendship, Taylorsville, served faithfully and resigned from his position at the end of 2022. As she begins her new position of secretary beginning August 1, Pastor Cassie is most excited about the relationships. “Synod Council is made up of so many different people with different backgrounds, different skills, and different opinions, but we love each other and we support each other.
“Also,” she says with a wide grin, “Now, in meetings, I get to sit next to (Vice President) Diana!”
Congratulations, Pastor Cassie!