Reading 7 – Hey Neighbor!—Matthew 6

July 11, 2020 |

Reading 7
Hey Neighbor!—Matthew 6

Read Chapter 6

We have sat on this mountain before. Patches of grass and rocky soil leave little comfort for our bottoms, but we hardly notice. Jesus speaks in a way that captivates our imaginations. Even now, as we sit six feet apart and turn our masked faces towards him, Jesus draws us back to the Holy One. His words sound familiar and new. But as I listen in the midst of this global pandemic and this continuing struggle against white supremacy, his words cause me to wonder… What does the kingdom of God look like? How can God’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven?

Don’t get me wrong, I yearn for this kingdom. Even though I don’t fully understand it, even though I’m going to have to change my ways, I really want to be about what Jesus is about. I wonder if we could try to follow him together. We are neighbors after all. Do you think we could try this together?

You could hold me accountable! I am a serious worrier…maybe you can remind me that God does provide? It’s hard for me to remember that with all the violence and bad news on TV. I’m afraid of everything some days! And sometimes I struggle with how I prioritize my money. I mean, who would have thought we’d be scavenging for toilet paper in 2020?!?! And with the unemployment rate so high, well, I am really careful about how I spend my money in case the worst happens. Would you be willing to talk finances sometime? I’m curious how other people are handling this.

Yea, I’m glad we ran into each other too. Funny how you can live across the street from someone or even in the same home and never take the time to talk. It means a lot to me that we could have this conversation. I know conversations like this can be awkward. Your listening means so much and am glad we can encourage each other when we get back home! Jesus has given us so much to consider.

To Consider:

  • As you read Matthew 6, what segment speaks most to you now?
  • Who supports you as you seek to embody the good news? Call them or write them and say thank you.

God who creates mountains and seas, you have been with us since the beginning. Open our ears to hear your word more fully. Open our hearts to receive your word more fully, even Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

The Rev. Jennifer M. Manis serves Lutheran Campus Ministry and Holy Trinity in Raleigh. She finds calm during this stay-at-home time walking her dog, singing, and talking with friends. She met her first female pastor in 2003 and is grateful for the many women and women pastors who have mentored her in faith and vocation.


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