Reading 11 – Called by Name—Matthew 10

July 15, 2020 |

Reading 11
Called by Name—Matthew 10

Read Chapter 10

Jesus names, calls, and equips his disciples to heal, preach, and teach in his name. Jesus warns the disciples they will encounter opposition and lack of resources, not always being welcomed along the journey. Despite difficulty, the disciples were encouraged to continue their journey regardless of what was encountered along the way.

Like Jesus’ disciples, we too are named and called by God to proclaim God’s Word. Like Jesus’ disciples, we daily encounter disease, social expectations, temptations, and all things pull us away from God’s love. When faced with opposition, how do we respond? Are we like the disciples, equipped to serve regardless? Are we like the latest Marvel film, ready to jump into the battle? Or, are we like the Hallmark character, finding life’s fulfillment in a 50-minute movie?

Regardless of what Hollywood wants us to think, many of us do not encounter perfectly-crafted Hallmark moments or fight superhero battles. We live somewhere in between—encountering God in the small daily spaces of our lives. In these small spaces, we find God calling us, naming us, equipping us to be disciples who go out and proclaim a message of grace. Using the passions, skills, and gifts God gives each of us, being disciples looks different for each of us. Yet, one thing does not change: each of us are invited by name to be a part of God’s story.

God is calling you by name to be a disciple. How will you respond?

To Consider:

  • What is Jesus summoning you towards?
  • In what ways, skills, or abilities is Jesus equipping you to be a disciple?

God, we give thanks for naming and summoning us as your disciples. Equip us to faithfully follow and serve you no matter what we face every day. Thank you for the grace you so freely give so that we can participate in your story. In Christ’s name, Amen.

Deacon Susan Jackson serves as the Coordinator of Youth and Families at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Wilmington. Susan loves baking, the beach, Disney, and learning about historical stories of communities.


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