Do you know of a layperson with gifts for ministry?
Is there a layperson with gifts for ministry in your congregation? Do you know of someone who has shared a message well for a special occasion? The NC Synod relies on lay preachers—individuals from congregations who have received instruction and formation for preaching—to fill pulpits across the synod so that rostered ministers can take vacation, complete continuing education or, in some cases, provide a Service of the Word worship for congregations who do not have a regularly-called pastor right now.
Advanced Lay Ministries (ALM) is a formation and certification program of the NC Synod that brings together the Lay Preaching (LP) and Synod Authorized Ministry (SAM) programs—one focused on the knowledge and skills needed for lay preachers and the other on additional coursework related to congregational leadership.
Part One is required for anyone seeking to serve as a Synod Authorized Minister.
Part One—Lay Preaching
- Theology
- Old Testament
- New Testament
- Preaching
- Worship
Part Two—Synod Authorized Ministry
- Sacraments
- Discipleship and Leadership
- Pastoral Care
- Governance
Authorized Lay Ministry Diagram
Advanced Lay Ministry Stories
Advanced Lay Ministry Forms
Synod Authorized Minister Application
The Expanded Application is for those who have completed Part 1, the Lay Preaching component, and are seeking to continue their formation to become a SAM.
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