Stewardship & Planned Giving


How does God’s generosity affect you? Who influenced you to be generous?

These questions and more are central to living out our faith as generous followers of Jesus. Generosity is a core value of the NC Synod. The vision of the Stewardship Ministry Task Force is to invest, inspire, and equip steward leaders and congregations, creating a culture of generosity for the sake of God’s mission.

Stewardship for All Seasons

Led by Pastor Mike Ward, this year-long program—from May to April—engages congregations in an intentional stewardship program. The summer months are spent clarifying the mission/vision/ask; the fall focuses on the annual campaign. In January, you can choose from several tracks for intensive work including Strategic Communications, Strategic Planning, Council Development, and Planned Giving. The cost is $2700. Sign up by May 1, 2024. 

Planned Giving

Engage with Stephanie Burke, Regional Gift Planner, to create gift guidelines, an endowment, or to secure legacy gifts. 

Building a Generous Culture

Information coming soon.

Environmental Stewardship

We are called to care for all our resources including being stewards of God’s creation. 

Looking for Stewardship Resources?

Are you looking for stewardship resources? Our ministry partner, PRC—Practical Resources for Churches, invites you to look to their Online Resource Center for a compilation of stewardship and finance resources which includes these recorded stewardship webinars:


Additional Resources

heart with lifeline

The Lifeline Fund

A fund providing grants to rostered ministers for education debt relief and to congregations for stewardship.

place setting

The Generosity Project

An intergenerational devotional study promoting a culture of generosity in the congregation.