Engage the Bible

Open Scripture. Join the Conversation.

Engage the Bible is a Book of Faith Initiative of the North Carolina Synod.

In an effort to immerse people in the stories of the Bible; the stories of our faith, the synod offers opportunities for engagement with Scriptures.

Take a look at these opportunities and jump right in!

Comments or Questions?

Contact Catherine Fink

Director of Communications & Resources

The Bible is alive, it speaks to me; it has feet, it runs after me; it has hands, it lays hold of me…The Bible is alive, it speaks to me; it has feet, it runs after me; it has hands, it lays hold of me…—Martin Luther

Genesis Generations II: 2024 Summer Bible Reading Plan


  • Subscribe here to receive a daily email in your inbox.
  • Watch this webpage or the homepage for daily posts.
  • Listen to the daily podcast series available from the synod's LibSyn or wherever you get your podcasts.
  • Read through the printed compilation (available below).


  • Consider the questions for reflection that accompany each devotional reading.
  • Engage with your friends, family, or small group.
  • How are the Scripture passage and devotional reading showing you God anew each day?


  • Respond & create! Come along on an artistic journey of response by creating your own visio divina — or audio divina — of one or more of the daily devotions.
  • The God of creation has made us beings with the capacity for creation. How does your reading and reflection lead you to respond? Color, paint, sculpt, build, sketch, compose (prose, poetry, music)—any medium; every ability.
  • Share in your congregation. Gather and showcase artistic responses from all ages: perhaps as a narthex display, bulletin board, or worship offering!
  • Share with the world. Post your creative response on Facebook or Instagram. Please tag your post with  #2024GenesisCreations @ncsynod
  • Complete your creation and share by Wednesday, September 4. Remember: it's a creation, not a competition!

Summer Bible Reading Plans

"TikTok Tell It!" 2024 Winners!

A Story for All Ages

Prepared by the synod's Engage the Bible Task Group to help congregational Christian education committees evaluate their programs. It provides a framework based on age-appropriate benchmarks for Bible stories and biblical concepts and can be an effective tool in fine-tuning your Christian education.

Learn More about the Bible

open bible with coffee

Enter the Bible

From Luther Seminary.

The Bible Project logo

The Bible Project

Experience the Bible as a unified story that leads to Jesus.

Book of Faith logo

Book of Faith

An ELCA Initiative.