Holy Cross, Mocksville, pulls weeds
Many congregations feel as if they are a family. Holy Cross, Mocksville, is no exception to that. When it came time to decide how to plan our “God’s work. Our hands.” Day, the Evangelism/Social Ministry Committee, came up with an idea appropriate to our congregational family.
One of our members is struggling with Alzheimer’s and dementia issues. She lives in her home, with the help of her son and her sisters. Sometimes housework and yard work are last on the list of things to do. We decided that our GWOH event would be to help her by spending the morning working in her yard.
There were 8 workers. Some of us pulled weeds, used weed eaters, and trimmed shrubs all around the house. Others cleaned weeds and shrubs from around the deck. Several worked on preparing the lunch we shared at the end of the hot, sweaty three hours.
There were two mishaps: one gal was stung a couple of times and had a swollen hand. Another (shown seated in the car) fell in a hole and later discovered that she broke her leg. Both are recuperating well.
In the group photo, the workers are shown along with the homeowner. Becky Brown, Carol Benson, Jane Anderson, Pastor Kelly Moore, Cindy Valliere, Donna Williams, Joe Valliere, Carole Demmy. The photographer was Mary Abendroth.
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