First, Lexington, delivers 3,600 cookies!
“God does not need your good works, but your neighbor does.” Martin Luther perfectly describes the attitude at First, Lexington, on Sunday, September 9, 2018. In the early morning hours, families gathered to deliver 3,600 homemade cookies to every fireman, policeman, and all emergency personnel in Davidson County. Before worship, handmade cards were crafted for Lutheran Services of the Carolinas foster care program to be given to children in transition. Fabric kits were also put together before worship to benefit Lutheran World Relief. During worship, our Global Barnyard Challenge kicked off and children were given their barns to begin raising money to buy livestock, tools ,and training for families in other countries. After worship, our congregation shared in a covered dish meal, prayed over our service for the coming year, and accepted the challenge from Food for the Poor to raise enough money to build a house in the Caribbean for those in need. Lastly, donations of clothes were taken to our church-run clothing closet, the Good Shepherd Clothes Closet, to benefit those in need in our own community. All in all, our “God’s work. Our hands.” Sunday was a time for the people of First Lutheran to renew their commitment to service in our community and the greater world.